How Orthodontic Appliances Work

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There are numerous ways to straighten your chompers, and recent advancements in orthodontic technology make it possible to realign your pearly whites without fixed appliances. There are many different appliances for many purposes, but we’ll mention just some of them here. Here are some removable orthodontic appliances you should be familiar with:

Aligners. Unlike metal braces, aligners are removable appliances. They’re clear and virtually invisible, and since they’re removable, you won’t have to stress about excessive cleaning of them because you can take them out when you eat.

Space maintainers. Space maintainers are utilized to keep gaps between your pearly whites when they’re needed, like when you lose a baby tooth before a permanent one has been developed. Removable space maintainers are regularly formed from plastic and wire, utilized to retain open spaces.

Jaw repositioners. Jaw repositioning appliances, also referred to as splints, are worn to keep the jaw aligned appropriately. When your jaw is misaligned, eating, speaking and even breathing can become difficult. Misaligned jaws can cause severe headaches, so jaw repositioners are great for adults with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, also known as TMJ.

We hope that this data on removable orthodontic appliances has been constructive for you. Please set up your next appointment with Dr. Galati at Galati Orthodontics in Scottsdale, Arizona, now by calling 480-656-7801.